Photography by Jorge Sesé

______________________WHAT IS THE PROCESSION OF THE HOLY BURIAL?________________________

The Holy Friday (fifth day after the entry of Jesus in Jerusalem or Palm Sunday) the processional act of the HOLY BURIAL or the Passion and Death of Christ update, which is 400 years old.

Holy Friday organizes a great procession or procession that lasts hours, from mid-afternoon to midnight and in which the 25 Cofradías de Zaragoza participate. Each one of them takes a step on which stand polychrome wooden figures representing the most important moments of the Passion of Christ, since he enters Jerusalem, takes the last supper with his disciples, his Prayer in the Garden or his arrest or his flogging or crucifixion ... until his death, descent from his Body of the Cross and his Holy Burial.

The procession begins in the Church of Santa Isabel de Portugal, also called San Cayetano, the nerve center of Holy Week in Zaragoza and the Holy Burial. From her all the steps and images that represent the Passion and Death of Christ come out in order being the Christ of the Bed - Dead Christ - the epicentre of the Procession of the Holy Burial or Procession Procession.

In the Holy Burial, by participating, at the same time, all the Brotherhoods, not only the Passion and Death of Christ is represented in a sculptural form - imagery - but also the majority of the 16,000 brothers and 7,000 drummers come together and drums that procession in thunderous and atavistic sound announcing the moment of the Passion and accompanying Christ through the streets. Along with drums and drums sound timbales, timbaletas, rattles or rattles, trumpets, horns and jotas of religious content accompanied by a drum and a drum.

Organized by Santo Entierro, the oldest fraternity in Zaragoza, of medieval origin, whose secular mission has been to collect the bodies of dead people that nobody claims and buries them. It is about the Very Illustrious, Ancient and Real Brotherhood of the Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ and Mother of God of Mercy, which in coordination with the Coordinating Board of Holy Week Brotherhoods of Zaragoza articulate the processional procession of the Holy Burial of Good Friday.

_______________________PROCESSIONAL COORDINATION OF THE HOLY BURIAL__________________

The procession of "The Holy Burial" follows a narrative sense, a chronological order of The Passion and Death of Christ following the story collected in the Gospels, conformed, thus, a Via Crucis made sculpture.

The processional order of the Holy Burial is rigorous:

Black flag of the Brotherhood of the Blood of Christ - Photography by Jorge Sesé

White flag of the Brotherhood of the Blood of Christ - Photography by Jorge Sesé

Bells and ladders (existence since 1700). - The bells announce the beginning of the procession. The ladders represent attributes of the Passion of Christ: hammer that nails the nails in the body of Christ, pincers with which unbolted the nails and stairs with which they lowered his Body of the Cross.
Ladders - Photography by Jorge Sesé

Hebrew people and tribes - Tribes: Rubén, Simeón, Leví, Judá, Zabulón, Isacar, Dan, Gad, Asser, Neftalí, José, Benjamín.
The twelve Tribes of Israel - Photography by Jorge Sesé

Old Testament characters - Isaac y Abrahán, Melquisedec, Aarón, Moíses, David with his harp of the s. XVIII. They were incorporated into the Holy Burial around 1860.

Old Testament characters - Photography by Jorge Sesé

Old Testament characters - Photography by Jorge Sesé

Sibyls - Sibyls are twelve girls dressed in white robes, which symbolize virginity and represent prophecies about the birth of Christ.
The twelve Sibyls - Photography by Jorge Sesé

1. Royal Brotherhood of the Risen Christ and Holy Mary of Hope and Consuelo (1976)Basic data. It is the only brotherhood that does not take its titular step - the Risen Christ - but first procession with the Virgin of Hope and Consuelo as a preamble of hope to the Passion and Death of Christ - Holy Burial - a Redemptive Death.
Passage of the Virgin of Hope and Consuelo (Jorge Albareda Agüeras, 1981) - Photography by Jorge Sesé

Main step - The Entry of Jesus in Jerusalem (Hermanos Albareda, 1940) - Photography by Jorge Sesé

Main step - Jesus at the time of the Last Supper (Eucharist) 
(J.A Navarro Arteaga, 2014 and 2017) - Photography by Jorge Sesé

Main step - the Capture of Jesus, the Kiss of Judás (José Alegre, 1847) - Photography by Jorge Sesé

Main step - Jesus of the Solitude (David Valenciano, 2017) - Photography by Jorge Sesé 
Coronation Pass. Step of the Coronation of Thorns (Fco Borja, 1903) - Photography by Jorge Sesé

10. Brotherhood of the Holy Ecce-Homo and Our Lady of Sorrows (1947, although it picks up the inheritance of the Brotherhood of the Ecce Homo founded in 1681). Basic data
 Main step - Jesus of Humiliation (Anonymous, 19th century) - Photography by Jorge Sesé

Main step - Jesus the Nazarene (Anonymous, seventeenth century) - Photography by Jorge Sesé

Main step - Jesus on the way to Calvary (Tomás Llovet, 1818) - Photography by Jorge Sesé

Main step - Christ Embraced the Cross and Veronica (D. Clavero Díaz, 1992) - Photography by Jorge Sesé

Main step - The Arrival of Jesus to Calvary (Tomás Llovet, 1828) - Photography by Jorge Sesé
Main step - Christ Stripped of his Garments (Talleres Arte Cristiano de Madrid, 2007) - Photography by Jorge Sesé

Main step - The Exaltation of the Holy Cross (the Cross is lifted) (R. Flecha Barrios, 1992-1998) - Photography by Jorge Sesé

Step of Christ of the Fifth Word of Jesus (I Have Thirst) (Francisco Liza Alarcón, 1989) 
 Photography by Jorge Sesé
Step of Christ of the Seventh Word (Manuel Miñarro, 2014) - Photography by Jorge Sesé

Main step - Our Father Jesus of the Agony (Jerónimo Nogueras, 1588) - Photography by Víctor Usieto

20. Brotherhood of the Crucifixion of the Lord and of the Venerable Third Order of Saint Francis of Assisi (1952). Basic data
Main step - The Calvary (The Crucifixion of the Lord) (José Alegre, 1841) - Photography by Jorge Sesé

Main step - The Descent (José Alegre, 1848) - Photography by Jorge Sesé

Main step -  The Pieta (Antonio Palao, 1871) - Photography by Jorge Sesé

23. Congregation of Slaves of Maria Santísima de los Dolores (1866 Foundation. Restructured in 1946). Basic data.
First step - María Santísima de los Dolores (Carlos Palao, late 19th century) -Photography by Jorge Sesé

Titular step - Virgin of Solitude (Rafael Ochoa Fernández, 2003) Photography by Jorge Sesé

Grand Cross with the Holy Shroud and Lanterns of the Five Wounds
Parochial Cross
Roman Guard
Torches - Photography by Jorge Sesé

Step Holder - Chariot of Christ of the bed - Photography by Jorge Sesé

Roman guard guarding the Christ of the Bed - Photography by Jorge Sesé

Script of the City
Royal standard
Governing Board of the Coordinator
Older brothers
Notarial College
Representations and Authorities
Municipal Corporation
